8-9 May, Science, Theology, and Humane Philosophy
Participants are invited for a thought-provoking discussion of the intersection of these disciplines. Time: 10:30 May 8th – 14:00 May 9th...

24 April, Mikolaj Slawkowski-Rode: "The Meaning of Mourning"
On 24 April Dr Mikolaj Slawkowski-Rode will deliver a talk entitled "The Meaning of Mourning" for a special instalment of the HPP/IRC...

7 February, Iain McGilchrist: Brains, Delusions and the Future of the University
On 7 February, Dr Iain McGilchrist will deliver a talk entitled "Dominus Illuminatio Mea: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Future of...

7 March, Buki Fatona: Memory, Cognitive Neuroscience, and The Embodied Remembrance of God
On 7 March, Revd Buki Fatona (Oxford University) will deliver a talk for the HPP/IRC seminar entitled '“Do this in Remembrance of me”:...

Science, Theology & Philosophy Essay Prize Winners
We are delighted to announce that Bartosz Wesół (University of Warsaw) has been awarded the 2023 Oxford University Prize for Central...

9 March, The Meaning of Mourning Book Launch
A book launch for The Meaning of Mourning: Perspectives on Death, Loss and Grief, edited by HPP organiser Mikolaj Slawkowski-Rode will...

2023 Croatia Study Week: Minds, Persons, and Cosmos
The HPP and its partners invite applications, and papers for its 2023 study week, ‘Minds, Persons and Cosmos’. This event will comprise a...

20 October, Brian Leiter "Nietzsche Against Marx on the Causes of Suffering"
On 20 October, Professor Brian Leiter delivered the annual Lincoln University Philosophy Lecture with sponsorship from the Humane...

2022 Croatia Study Week: Naturalism and the Religious Worldview
The HPP and its partners invite applications, and papers for its 2022 study week, ‘Naturalism and the Religious Worldview’. This event...

Remembering Michael Inwood
The organisers of the HPP were saddened to hear of the death of Michael Inwood (1944-2021). Michael was an early supporter of the HPP and...