Thomas Jay Oord, "God Can't Stop Evil Singlehandedly"
Nearly everyone wonders why a good and powerful God doesn't prevent evil. But the usual answers are unsatisfactory. In his best-selling...

Saša Horvat, "Contemporary Scientific Explanations of Religion"
Saša Horvat (University of Zagreb) delivers his talk 'Contemporary Scientific Explanations of Religion', at the HPP/Ian Ramsey Centre's...

Mark Hocknull, "Evil and the Myths We Live By"
Mark Hocknull (University of Lincoln) delivers his talk 'Evil and the Myths We Live By', at the HPP/Ian Ramsey Centre's 2018-2019 seminar...

Heidy Meriste, "Can You Feel Guilt about the Future?"
Heidy Meriste (University of Tartu), delivers her talk, 'Can You Feel Guilt about the Future?' at the HPP/Ian Ramsey Centre's 2018-2019...

Sebastian Kolodziejczyk, "Non-conceptual Content and Religious Experience"
Sebastian Kolodziejczyk (Jagiellonian University), delivers his talk, 'Non-conceptual Content and Religious Experience' at the HPP/Ian...

Slobodan Perović, "Orthodoxy and its Alternatives in Modern Cosmology"
Slobodan Perović, delivers his talk, 'Orthodoxy and its Alternatives in Modern Cosmology'at the HPP/Ian Ramsey Centre's 2018-2019 seminar...

Daniel Came: "Nietzsche as a Christian Thinker"
Daniel Came delivers his talk 'Nietzsche as a Christian Thinker' for the 2017-2018 Humane Philosophy Project/Ian Ramsey Centre seminar at...

Amber Griffioen: "Recovering Compassio: Suffering, Struggle, and Theodicy as Therapy"
Amber Griffioen delivers her talk 'Recovering Compassio: Suffering, Struggle, and Theodicy as Therapy' for the 2017-2018 Humane...

Religion and Culture Conference Videos
The Centre for the Thought of John Paul II, Warsaw have published videos of a selection of talks from the conference Religion and...

Philip Goff: "Did the Universe Design Itself?"
Philip Goff delivers his talk 'Did the Universe Design Itself?' for the 2017-2018 Humane Philosophy Project/Ian Ramsey Centre seminar at...