Jean-Pierre Lasota, "The End of Physics as We Knew It"
Contemporary fundamental physics is in crisis. On the one hand, astronomical observations show that we don't know what 96% of the...

David Oderberg, "Recovering the Hierarchy of Being"
On 26 February 2020, DAVID ODERBERG (University of Reading) delivered a talk entitled “Recovering the Hierarchy of Being” for the HPP/Ian...

Remembering Michael Inwood
The organisers of the HPP were saddened to hear of the death of Michael Inwood (1944-2021). Michael was an early supporter of the HPP and...

Christine H. Legare, "Evolution and Ontogeny of Ritual"
Convergent developments across social scientific disciplines provide evidence that ritual is a psychologically prepared, culturally...

Marija Selak, "Contemporary Manifestations of Evil and Attempts at Their Justification"
In this lecture I point out the “unwanted fruit” of the de-substantialisation of evil. Incorporating evil within good itself has enabled...

Simon May, "What is Love?"
I briefly trace the origin of our prevailing Western conceptions of love and argue that they constitute the last genuinely universal...

Thomas Jay Oord, "God Can't Stop Evil Singlehandedly"
Nearly everyone wonders why a good and powerful God doesn't prevent evil. But the usual answers are unsatisfactory. In his best-selling...

The 2021 Roger Scruton Philosophy Symposium
In August 2021 the four Fellowships for the Roger Scruton Philosophy Symposium were awarded to Ms Maria Kadzielska, Ms Nino Gabelashvili,...

Prize Fellowships Awarded
The HPP is pleased to announce that Fellowships to the Roger Scruton Philosophy Symposium have been awarded to Ms Maria Kadzielska, Ms...

CEE Fellowships, Roger Scruton Philosophy Symposium
The Humane Philosophy Project is pleased to invite applications from students enrolled on degrees in Central and Eastern European higher...